A few days ago I was walking with my family past the traffic circle in Fish Hoek, just before the Memorial Gardens when two battle weary taxis chugged, sputtered, coughed, and rattled their way past us- nose to tail. Both these collections of scrap metal and gaffer tape were chock full with punters heading away from Fish Hoek.
The taxis were closely followed by a very large ...
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Things finally happening on Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek
New upgrades being added to Kommetjie Road Fish Hoek
For a long time we have been at the mercy of Kommetjie Road in Fish Hoek. Inadequate crossing points, reckless driving and accident hot spots have contributed to many unnecessary deaths over the years.
Town meetings, demonstrations and lobbying of politicians have finally broken through- democracy at work, albeit too slow...
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Another pointless accident on Kommetjie Road
Its 11.30 at night, and once again I find myself stood at the side of Kommetjie Road observing the aftermath of yet another pointless accident on Kommetjie Road. Luckily this time there is nobody (and no body) screaming, dying in a grass verge, but it seems equally as depressing.
Its dark, the traffic signals at 17th and Quarry are brightly lighting the scene as they rhythmi...
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Another accident on Kommetjie Road- Sunday, 30th October
When you hear a strange noise at 1.15 in the morning it tends to get your imagination going overtime. First I thought that something had fallen over outside; then that a gate could be banging. After checking those two (through the window) my mind went into overtime- is someone trying to break into the garage?
It is strange that whenever I think that there could be an undesir...
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Be Careful Where and When You Park in Fish Hoek
Recently there has been a big issue kicked up by a parking ticket given to a newspaper writer, for the local paper. He was given a fine for parking in a loading bay on a Sunday morning. Judging by the response in the paper, letters, and SMS's feelings are mixed between the driver being in the wrong and the police being over officious.
Personally, I think that if you do somet...
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More road lunacy on the Cape Peninsula

Despite all the recent local media attention regarding the problems on the roads on the Cape Point Peninsula it seems that the message is not getting through. On Sunday evening, just as I was leaving the house to walk the dogs, I heard an almighty screech, crash and a crunching sound. I thought at first it was from Kommetjie Road, but it wasn't so I rushed out the back of the h...
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Public Meeting Re Kommetjie Road- July 7th

All those with an interest in the on going debate regarding traffic and accidents on Kommetjie are invited to a public meeting on July 7th. The meeting will take place in the Fish Hoek Civic Centre and will start at 7pm.
Apparently there will be a number of public officials present who should be able to present their ideas and plans for Kommetjie Road, and hopefully are open...
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Another Tradgic Killing on Kommetjie Road- One readers account

Following the death of Gaby Bouwer it seems that little was done to actually decrease the risk of death and injury on Kommetjie Road, now statistics have caught up with us again and someone else has had to pay the ultimate price for a) the general negligence of drivers and b) the ineptitude of authorities to do something about it. I was going to write my own piece about this ki...
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Developments in the Cape Point Peninsula- how can you have your say?
New developments pop up like mushrooms in the Cape Point Peninsula, and one wonders where they are all going to go. Recently the City gave up its legal battle against the development at Dassenberg, which got the community up in arms, but this is by no means the only property project on the go at the moment in the Deep South, nor will it be the last.
Recently plans were appr...
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Main Road: Upgrade?
I was coming back from Epping last week down the Prince George Drive and decided, since it was a nice day and didn’t mind sitting at the lights, to come home via Kalk Bay (as luck would have it the lights were green and I went straight through).
This isn’t the first time that I have driven down Main Road since the first section near Muizenburg has been finished, but for some...
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